Thursday, September 15, 2011

Continuation of Blog # 1 Lit 211/Fall 2011

The Native American story I referred to on my last blog (how the Big Dipper was formed) can be found in the book we are reading N. Scott Momaday, pg 2706. 2nd paragraph from the top.

Today in class Dr. Cassel told us to look at "MAP" on Angel to make sure we have a workable plan for transitioning to semesters or graduation.

If you are attending SCC to transfer to a four-year, look up "" You can get a real good idea about which SCC classes transfer to another college. Some of them do not transfer at all...some give one quarter of credit for two quarters of work at SCC, and some only require two quarters when you assume they require three in a sequence, like American History 101,102,103..

I recently went to an advisor at OSU to see what would work out for me...he used for the evaluation. So it must be pretty reliable!

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