Thursday, October 6, 2011

Early America as read in the Early Lit

I think the Lit of 1600-1800 says a LOT about the history of this country!! Until I read about Columbus and Cabeza de Vaca, I did not know Columbus was a prisoner, explorers were taken captive, etc. Unless one reads the literary accounts, all one "gets" from this time period is words from a history book.  These writers bring it alive!! It is like you are there with them...can you imagine giving up everything you know in your "home" country and coming over here and running into what some of these folks ran into? I suppose no one had money to return to Europe...would you have stayed if you didn't have to ? I WOULD NOT HAVE STAYED!!!
Also, I wonder if what we know as the United States today would have been like if "we" had never come here? If we had let it be the way it was? If we had left the natives alone? I wonder...

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